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Tribe TLC was founded by Beth Leas in 1997 on the premise  that a single candle burns brighter in a gathering.

Beth has created a vibrant and growing community of people who are committed to living consciously and offering healthy lifestyle opportunities through their businesses and passions.

Now in its 27th year, Tribe TLC has over 150 Members and expanded into Westchester County, NY as TLC NY in 2018. Together, we are Tribe TLC

As an integrated health community, TLC Members include medical doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, occupational therapists, energy workers, nutritionists, reflexologists, psychotherapists, Feldenkrais practitioners, craniosacral therapists, life coaches, feng shui consultants, yoga centers, exercise centers, retail stores, editors, web-site designers - all of whom desire to be part of a supportive community of practitioners from a wide variety of modalities and interests.

We offer Westchester County high quality private sessions, products, workshops, classes and events designed to support you as you live life well.

Collectively, we are committed to coming together to serve our community with educational and experiential opportunities.

Please check out our events - holistic happy hours, health fairs and other events to remember!